Your therapist is a fundamental part of your treatment team to treat your body condition and provide symptomatic relief. If you have an injury, you may see several health professionals and therapists. Here is a brief look at exactly how to know your therapist and what to expect from him/her.

A Therapist's Education and Training

The level of education and training your therapist has mostly depends on the requirements of your health facility and state laws. A licensed therapist at least holds a master’s degree in his specialty and has undergone a state licensure exam and a supervised internship. However, most states allow bachelors-level interns to continue their practice under the supervision of a licensed therapist. Some therapists have training in fields such as physiotherapy, chiropractic care, or techniques such as cryotherapy.

Therapist Specializations

Many therapists have specializations in a particular mode of therapy. Physiotherapy, chiropractic therapy, massage therapy, laser therapy, and cryotherapy are popular options. Rather than carrying caseloads of their own, these therapists usually work in tandem with generalized practitioners. However, certain musculoskeletal disorders and bone injuries may be managed solely by a specialized therapist.

Some fields of specializations require additional certifications and training. Others can be practiced by a general therapist meeting the requirements for therapists in their state.

Approaches to Treatment

No single treatment approach defines a therapist. Therapists may believe and practice one school of thought or may favor a universal approach. Many general therapists modify their treatment approach to fit the individual patient. Therefore, even if you see the same therapist, your treatment plan may be different than a friend’s.

How to Find a Good Therapist

Finding a therapist that meet your expectations can be challenging. There must be rapport and trust between you and your therapist for the partnership to be a success. You will need to choose a physical therapist or other types of specialists that share your views about the nature of injuries and their treatment. Referrals are often the best source and work best for many, but beware that what is best for your friend may not be right for you.

Navneet Nagpal

Registered Physiotherapist

Zhen Ming Wang

Registered Massage Therapist

Yu Juan Huang

Naturopathic Doctor

Lisa Huang

Registered Massage Therapist